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Mr. LOH Chee Heng
Vice President, (Project)

Mr. Loh Chee Heng has more than 18 years of experience in Water and Wastewater industries, and joined UESH as a project engineer in 2008. Prior to joining UESH, he has installed and commissioned several RO and UltraPure Water systems with capacities of more than 1400USgpm. Rising through the ranks, he led multidisciplinary teams to successfully complete several large-scale PUB projects, namely 50MGD Second Changi NEWater Plant, and Chestnut Avenue Waterworks Ozone and BAC Process Upgrading project. He had also completed water treatment projects for the private sector, namely rainwater treatment system in Singapore Universal Studio and Life Support System treating various capacities for different aquariums in RWS Sea Aquarium. Presently, he is the overall project lead of UESH for ongoing PUB Tuas Water Reclamation Plant Projects (C3D1 and C3D2) and Changi Water Reclamation Plant (GWTF). 

Mr. Loh holds a Bachelor Degree (Hons) in Chemical Engineering from University Technology of Malaysia. He is an Ordinary member and a Certified Project Manager (CPM) under the Accreditation of Project Manager scheme by the Society of Project Managers Singapore.